Regional & local workshops for ASSET to take place starting in October

The Project Partners of ASSET have been busy preparing for a series of workshops in the Eurodelta. Each workshop has a different angle to the topic of circularity.

Next month (October), workshops about possible strategies for developing a circular built environment within the Eurodelta will take place in the Netherlands. The first whole-day workshop will be hosted by the project partners, Province of South Holland and the municipality of The Hague. This is then followed by a 2-half day workshop hosted by the City of Amsterdam. There will also be upcoming  workshops in Belgium and Germany. 

The objective of this activity is as city/regional project partners to engage with relevant local/regional stakeholders on circularity and to co-develop a strategic perspective on interregional cooperation within the Eurodelta. Spatial implications and requirements for developing a circular built environment will be analysed, to achieve a better understanding of the challenges and chances for the different scales (local to mega-region). 

First workshop

The workshop, hosted by the Province of South Holland and the municipality of The Hague, will take place in The Hague, in which local/ regional stakeholders and experts from a range of sectors (government, science and business), as well as project partners, have been invited. This workshop will focus on the needs for a chain of bio-based materials and the re-use of buildings, in which the results of the Circular South-Holland Spatial Strategy will be used as inspiration and the 'framework' during the workshop. During this whole-day session, how working together to stimulate circular construction and to realize the spatial preconditions for this transition within the Eurodelta will be explored.

Second workshop

Shortly after this workshop, the City of Amsterdam will host their workshop on 2 separate afternoons, in which civil servants of the city of Amsterdam from different departments have been invited. This workshop will focus on certain material flows in Amsterdam – specifically zooming in to the waterfront areas along the waterway of the IJ. During the first afternoon session, the group will visit local businesses (city logistics, concrete manufacturing, metal recycling) for presentations and facility tours. The second afternoon session will start with a reflection of the 1st day and an interactive session in which specific area developments will be explored in relation to the spatial implications of specific material flows and the role these areas can play in the circular transition. Similar to the workshop in The Hague, the circular South-Holland spatial strategy will also be used as the main reference ‘framework’.

The next set of workshops in Belgium and Germany will take place the following month (November). 


Meet & Learn #Circular Construction Rules and Spatial Consequences