Policy Analysis: Main Findings

ASSET Partner's challenges & current policies towards a Circular Built Environment

The first activity of the ASSET Project involved conducting an inventory of policies and strategies to identify shared ambitions and challenges and develop policy recommendations. This process, from designing a questionnaire to compiling a final report, was led by the City of The Hague. All ASSET Project Partners contributed by completing a questionnaire for their respective urban regions, covering topics such as governance structures, interpretations of the circular economy and circular built environment (CBE), spatial planning policies, existing CBE-related policies and strategies, and best practices. These responses provided valuable insights into the diverse approaches and interpretations of CBE development across the Eurodelta region.

Through their analysis, Regenalyze identified five shared challenges the ASSET partners face:

1. Finding space

2. Developing circular markets

3. Financing CBE investments

4. Data availability

5. Cultural shift

The analysis presents the policies developed by ASSET partners to address each challenge. It then proposes a scope for their collaboration to advance the Circular Built Environment (CBE) in the Eurodelta. The collaboration could focus on the following "ASSETS":

1. Deepening knowledge exchange on existing practices

2. Collaborating on innovative solutions, via joint research, connecting existing initiatives, or creating common projects.

3. Developing a comprehensive spatial strategy for a circular economy in the Eurodelta, encompassing hubs, infrastructures, processing facilities, and more.

For a detailed analysis and further insights, please refer to the full report by Regenalyze provided below.

 ASSET Policy Analysis by Regenalyze

Unlocking the metropolitan potential: The benefits of territorial partnerships
METREX Bucharest Conference 2024 | October 2024