One of the main activities of the ASSET project is selecting and analyzing case studies of circular practices at different scales within the Eurodelta area by applying the methodological frameworks developed by TU Delft. Results are now published on the Circular Design Atlas platform; an online educational platform developed by the Circular Built Environment Hub of the faculty of architecture and the built environment at TU Delft.
In the last few months, TU Delft has worked with City and Region Partners of the ASSET project to complete the analyses of selected cases in their respective cities and regions, which involved the partners filling out the relevant framework template per case (with support of TU Delft to ensure the scientific quality of each analysis).
The 3 main framework templates provided were: building components, buildings, and urban scales (neighbourhood, city and region). When selecting case studies, the ASSET partners were asked to consider the following criteria:
- The cases need to be distributed over the geographical area of the Eurodelta
- The cases need to represent different scales of the built environment
- The cases were ideally driven by a strong circular intention or made a significant impact
- The information on the cases is rich and also accessible (this is preferred)
The final result was 10 best practices at different scales, from Material to Regional levels. 3 cases are from Amsterdam, 2 cases from Brussels, 2 cases from Province of South Holland, 1 case from The Hague and 1 case from Krefeld, Germany. These results have been published on the Circular Design Atlas and are now publicly accessible.
A list of ASSET's best practices are provided below with links to the Atlas:
Circular Spatial Framework/Strategy Zuid-Holland (Policy): Link
Urban Miner s’Gravendal (Neighbourhood/Business Park): Link
The Groene Mient, The Hague (Neighbourhood): Link
Compressed Léém Block (Material): Link
ZGM-Healthbuilding Guidelines (Policy – Sustainability in Building Construction): Link
The Newton (Building): Link
RENOLUTION Brussels (Policy): Link - Buildings A, B, C (Building): Link
The Warren (Building): Link
Houtbouw Convenant MRA: Link
Image credit: Boris Zeisser, Natrufied