ASSET on Tour – Synopsis of Excursion

Earlier this summer, the project partners of the ASSET consortium traveled through 3 different countries in the Eurodelta in a span of 1 week. Each day had a full and exciting itinerary. Here is a brief synopsis of what we visited and learned along the way in terms of projects and innovative companies in the field of circularity.

We kicked off the study trip in Amsterdam, where we learned about joint collaboration efforts between research institutions, start-ups, and the public sector [AMS Institute]. We also visited new urban developments and innovative sustainable housing projects such as the floating houses. We then proceeded to the Province of South Holland, where we learned about circular city strategies in Leiden and visited innovative companies working on circular construction practices [Biopartner 5], biobased building materials [VORM] and refurbishing building materials from infrastructure/development sites [Dura Vermeer].

We then crossed the border to Belgium where we stopped in Brussels to visit two companies located in the harbour area: SHIPIT, a logistics company that focuses on the storage of building materials and last-mile logistics via waterways; as well as BC Materials, a start-up that specializes in using excavated land to make circular building materials. We also met with local stakeholders in Brussels who presented their work and experiences in circular initiatives including the reuse of building materials and realizing material hubs in the city [ROTOR DC &].

From Brussels, we travelled to Germany (specifically Rhineland), where we had an exciting exchange with Interface and the City of Krefeld in the famous Bauhaus Mies van der Rohe Campus in Krefeld. In a networking event at Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, we (the ASSET team) exchanged ideas with the Healthy Building Movement and regional companies to learn about healthy and circular projects within the German-Dutch border region. On the final day, we travelled to Duisburg, the heart of the central European steel industry. Here, we visited TSR Recycling GmbH & Co., a steeling recycling company specializes in steel recycling, where we learned about their circular practices for steel and were given a tour of their recycled metal facilities.

Throughout the 1-week excursion, there were reflection and brainstorming moments, where the project partners reflected on what was seen and experienced in the various cities/regions visited, and what these insights mean to the final outcome the project – a spatial strategy of the Eurodelta. 

Thank you to all participants and people we met during the excursion for their openness to share their experiences and for their engagement to work on the sustainability transition of the Eurodelta.

Meet & Learn: The Port City Atlas - European Seaports and transition challenges
Webinar - Friday 19 July 2024, 12.00 - 13.00 CEST